Our sister agency CNH Tours organizes one or two small group departures every year to the Arctic. Our group tours come with benefits, which usually include a dedicated tour leader to watch over your best interests, sometimes a group discount and trip briefings.   

Our trips don't work for you?
Of course, it's entirely possible that the trips we offer don't align with your timing, expectations or particular interests.  If that's the case, we can work together to find a trip most suited to you.  Contact us and we can start exploring options right away. 


(via Greenland, Baffin Island and the Torngat Mountains…)

13-26 Sept 2026 (1 night in Reykjavkik, 12 nights on board)

From US$13,891 (shared accommodation) 25% off published rates. Contact us for solo rates.

We’ve booked 10 spaces on the 138 passenger Ocean Explorer for this singular itinerary.

“Iceland to Newfoundland” starts in Reykjavik, Iceland, where you'll embark on a chartered flight to your embarkation port in Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland. Within a few days we’ll cross the Davis Strait to Nunavut, then south to Labrador, and ultimately to St. John’s, Newfoundland. The itinerary is designed to allow guests to immerse themselves in a cross-section of cultural traditions: Greenlandic culture in places like Sisimiut; Inuit and Nunatsiavut culture in Nunavut and Labrador; Viking history at l’Anse Aux Meadows in Newfoundland; then the welcoming East Coast hospitality of St. John’s, famously steeped in Celtic music and history thanks to its vast population of Irish descendants.